Prophet Ricardo McCallum Biography

Pastor Ricardo McCallum was born in Jamaica, W.I. and migrated to the USA at an early age where he resided in Bridgeport, Connecticut. During his high school years at the age of fourteen there were many struggles that pushed him into a drug- dealing lifestyle. He started impacting the communities with gang involvement and the selling of drugs and weapons.  As a result, major drug wars broke out in his territory and he acquired numerous enemies.
At the age of 16Pastor McCallum felt he was at the top of the game; however, many of his friends or drug dealing acquaintances were either dead or in prisons. As the violence grew throughout the cities he found himself praying and it was there God called him into the light. One day his praying mother invited him to church and he heard the message of Jesus Christ. Moved by God’s spirit and allowing his footsteps to be guided into the Kingdom of God, he gave his life to God at the age of sixteen years old.  From this point,  he  birthed into a strong prayer warrior. As a result of his prayer life he learned to read and was able to understand God’s word by the guidance and teaching of the Holy Spirit.

At the age of 27 he heard and answered God’s calling on his life and came to recognize that he is a chosen vessel for this century.  This divine manifestation came through much prayer time on the altar and guidance by the Holy Spirit.  Pastor McCallum finally stepped out in faithful obedience. In the same city where he once destroyed many lives God used him to restore and rebuild humanity’s hopes and dreams. He is known as the Nehemiah of the 21stcentury, repairing the broken wall, bringing healing and deliverance to the broken-hearted.
Today he is preaching and teaching with a powerful, supernatural and prophetic anointing which God has imbedded in his soul, with one purpose –  that humanity will know the name of Jesus Christ and receive salvation. He is sharing the gospel with young, old and those in halfway houses whom are seeking to start a new life.   Many awesome testimonies have transpired
When he relocated to Orlando, Florida in 2010, Pastor McCallum and his church, Desired Word Ministries became a growing ministry in the Orlando area.  He is reaching thousands around the world with church services, Radio 1140-AMRejoice, internet and television outreach.
Desired Word Ministries believes in the foundation of the Bible, Holiness, Integrity, Spirit of Excellence, Righteousness and living in the abundance of life. They also believe in empowering and spreading the Word of God to thousands of people all over the world.  Many are convicted by McCallum’s boldness and radical sermons. He is rebuilding lives through the Word of God, families are being restored and sick bodies are being healed. He is also launching a new ministry called “Meet Every Need.” This ministry will help provide donations  of food, clothing, furniture and financial support  to the communities and those in need.
Through God’s strength, Pastor McCallum and his ministry team are working to restore communities and cities. He is a man whose life has been radically changed by God. He now desires to share that life changing power with others

For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. 2 Corinthians 4:16